Friday, August 22, 2008

...and then the night fell upon the three unicorns

Yesterday Oliver brought home a story he had authored whilst at school. Here it is:

One unicorn was up and out of his home. Then two other unicorns came. And then the night fell upon the three unicorns. The unicorns went back to their homes. The two unicorns that came to the one unicorn got to live with him.

This gem came on the heels of a particularly interesting session of textual exegesis that Oliver and I had performed together that morning on the way to school. "Mama," he said, "what does 'bruised limbs' mean?" It turns out that this relatively easy to exegete phrase was buried within a sentence that went something like this: "When he came to himself he found himself lying in a firelit room, aware of his bruised limbs and suffering from a bad headache." Yep, we had to exegete every phrase in the sentence. Gotta love it!


Krista S. Givens said...

oli is so cool. and i love him. and his story.

Molly Vetter said...

I like stories that end with people (or unicorns) getting to live together. I bet they had coffee in the morning, too.

eshams said...

thanks, friends. it's great to hear from you. sipping my coffee with you by cybernetic proxy...